Primordial Chaos

Gou talks about the origin story of Nun and Atum, and how similar it is to the Big Bang and Big Bounce science theories.

Primordial Chaos

“According to the myth, Nun was the primal ocean of chaos, swirling with dark and formless waters. Out of this chaos, Atum emerged, the first god and creator of the universe. Atum created the first land, the first air, and the first light. From this light, he created all of the other gods and goddesses, and eventually, sparked evolutionary life in our oceans.”

“Cool story bro. So why are you telling me this?” Nōn interrupted sarcastically.

“Bro please, just listen. The ancient Egyptians believed that the world was created by Atum, who emerged from the chaos of Nun. They say Atum created everything else by speaking the names of the things he wanted to bring into being. But the interesting part is how he did it - he did it through the power of light.”

“So we didn’t create spoken words; they existed before us?” Nōn intuitively asked.

“Hmm.. possibly,” Gou answered. “I never really thought about that aspect of the story. Come to think of it, words are really just vibrations, and in the field of astrophysics, gravity is known to produce vibrations in the fabric of spacetime itself. Crazy enough, all sounds have an inherent power through their frequency. Word frequencies vibrate from low to high. Lower frequency sounds and words vibrate in the emotional realm of fear, regret, blame, guilt, hopelessness, grief, and despair.”

"The point is, Nōn, according to the same science we’ve been taught in school, the universe began with the Big Bang—a massive explosion that created all the mass and matter we see today. This included gas and dust particles, which eventually clumped together due to gravity to form the stars and planets. I’m not sold on the big bang one hundred percent, but it does sound like some form of primordial soup if you ask me!”

“Dang, that sounds like a lot of noise if you ask me,” chuckled Nōn. “So if it wasn’t a big bang that formed everything out of nothing, then what was it brainiac?”

So, like, the Big Bang theory talks about this huge explosion that made everything in the universe, right? But there's a problem with it. At the moment of the Big Bang, there's this thing called a singularity. It's like a point of infinite energy and zero space. That's a big deal, 'cause it messes up the physics we know.