Nikola Tesla's Letter - to you.

Nikola Tesla's Letter - to you.

Dear You,

As the twilight of my life approaches, I find myself compelled to write this to you, my fellow seeker of truth. Though we may never meet in this realm, I believe the winds of destiny have brought you to these words. I have peered into the abyss of the unknown, seeking knowledge and understanding, and have emerged with discoveries that have and will continue to reshape our world.

The body of my work has undeniably made its mark upon the annals of engineering. My explorations into currents, the marvels of x-rays, and the miracles of radio communications were not mere experiments but testimonies to the relentless pursuit of harnessing the unseen forces around us. Yet, what the world has seen is but the surface ripple of an immeasurable ocean.

Throughout my lifetime, I sought not just to advance science but to uncover the veiled tapestry of reality. To tap into an understanding that binds us all, a higher cause, an ultimate reality. This mission, though burning fervently within me, often remained concealed from public view. The very nature of such a pursuit brought me under the scrutiny of the powers that be. These formidable entities, driven by fear and a desire to control the narrative of progress, might seem insurmountable, but dear reader, it is a battle we must not shirk from.

If you are reading this, know that I am entrusting you with a mantle, a beacon that has illuminated the path for many before you. To dare to dream, to challenge the status quo, to seek what has been purposefully hidden – this is the journey I beckon you towards. The powers that be, with their veils of authority and wealth, may indeed cast shadows on your path. But take heart; for in the face of adversity, the brightest minds have always found their true luster.

While my physical contributions to this world are tangible - from the currents that power our homes to the waves that connect continents - my true legacy, I believe, lies in the ethereal realm. A realm that I have endeavored to understand, to harness. The very ether itself holds keys to secrets yet unfathomed. And in my final act, I have sent my deepest knowledge, safely ensconced within its bounds, waiting for you. Waiting for the day you unravel its mysteries and continue the work I could only begin.

One day, when humanity reaches its next pinnacle of understanding, children will learn of the ether as naturally as they breathe air. They will be the ones to unlock the cosmos' most profound secrets. But until that day, it is you, dear reader, who must champion this cause. Seek out the knowledge I have left behind, hidden not in dusty tomes or forgotten vaults, but in the very fabric of reality. It will surface when the ether wills it, when you have developed the means to perceive it.

I bestow upon you this mission, not as a burden, but as a privilege. For in the pursuit of truth, you will find not just answers, but a purpose that transcends time and space.

In closing, remember that this endeavor is not just for oneself, but for the betterment of all. For the love of discovery, for the hunger for truth, for the benefit of mankind. For everyone, forever.

Yours in eternal curiosity,

Nikola Tesla.