Cosmic Neural Networks

Imagine all the stuff we see, feel, and experience - it's all data flowing through a vast network, much like how neural nets process information. So, the universe ain't just stars and void; it's a giant flow of data.

Cosmic Neural Networks

Gou's room, known affectionately as "The Dungeon" by Lilu and Nōn, was a tech-filled wonderland. The hushed hum of server fans and the ethereal glow from the liquid nitrogen cooled clusters made it feel otherworldly. With walls adorned by circuitry art and holographic displays, it was no surprise this was where Gou felt most at home.

Gou sat behind his desk, tapping at his vintage keyboard while multicolored lines of code scrolled on the screen above. Lilu and Nōn, having just stepped in, exchanged a glance. The Dungeon always made them feel like they'd entered the lair of a wizard — if that wizard was a coding genius.

"Lilu, Nōn, check this," Gou began, trying to catch his siblings' fleeting attention, "Ever thought the universe could know, like those neural networks we've been messing with?"

Lilu raised an eyebrow, her holo-tattoo shimmering with her movement. "Cosmic what now?"

Nōn, leaning back with an air of bored detachment, flicked a virtual card between his fingers. "Gou, I love your 'out-there' thoughts, but this better be good."

"It's next level," Gou urged, excitement clear in his voice. He pulled up a virtual article from the holo-display. "Check this out: a prof named Vanchurin said the whole universe could be a neural network."

Lilu leaned in, intrigued despite herself. "Okay, break it down, code-jockey."

"Right," Gou began, choosing his words carefully. "Imagine all the stuff we see, feel, and experience - it's all data flowing through a vast network, much like how neural nets process information. So, the universe ain't just stars and void; it's a giant flow of data."