N1n@, No Precedent

N1n@, No Precedent
N1n@ gets up on stage to deliver a message on behalf of the Gneeks

She went by N1n@ (Nina), came up in the ranks, but no one knew her real name. She had been seen before, on social media, but she frequently disappeared, often for a year or more at a time. Her ability to spread the word earned her a spot in one of the most influential Gneek factions, Gmedia. Her role was to control the public image of the Gneek clan, ensuring their integrity and laws were upheld.

Gneek law. She got up on stage and delivered the message. Confident, and onto something. Her life was not ordinary, her life had meaning, her life was epic. She got there not on her looks, once a chubby little girl. She transformed when her success in her work lit up her world.

How confident? Enough to speak to millions on stage. Enough to use her beauty as a powerful platform to deliver more than typical girl talk. She didn't need to be a barbie personality personality-wise to win either. She was, a gifted reader. There was nothing more to her than unlocking her dreams. She read. And read. And read. She eventually began to write powerful messages and record them. She made use of social media, to deliver a message.

N1n@'s dreams weren't all about cool things and looking fresh. Her message was different. It was rooted in tech, and philosophy. It was articulate in the law, and politics. Her work, was laser-sharp, precise.

N1n@, spokes person and head of Gmedia for the Gneeks

When N1n@ first took the world stage on social media, there was backlash. But it wasn't what you'd expect. People were afraid. Her words were clear – "you cannot stop us; we will fight the 'powers that be,' we will win."

Gmedia made most of its income through the sale of crypto, after the last crash, from people who wanted to see the Gneek mission succeed. They wanted the idea, born on paper, delivered to millions through grassroots, to be held high. Its DAO made the investors comfortable; the transparency of their smart contracts, their voting structures, and the decentralized nature of their organization meant everything to the wise.

"Go now, collect your gems world. Bring them to me and we will cash them."

N1n@ drove everyone crazy. Her words activated people. People got up, and took action. She was so popular, and so many believed in her, she was banned from many places. Here whereabouts became a mystery, yet she would appear in places and attract immediate news attention and crowds. She was a legend amongst the Gneeks, the president, the public image, the embodiment of Gneek culture, on the live stream.