OG Physicists

Gou discovers the missing link between information and Einsteins' famous equation, E = mc²

OG Physicists
Gou and Node dive into the hidden language of the Universe.

 Gou was that dude, you know? Obsessed with the universe's hidden beats—vibes, frequencies, and those invisible waves that dance around us. He'd chill, thinking about surfing electromagnetic fields, catching waves of vibrations, and weaving through the cosmic currents. Just the idea of hacking those secrets? Pure adrenaline rush.
 Flipping through a book of OG physicists, Gou stumbled upon the real legends: Faraday, Maxwell, Tesla. He was hooked, dreaming of rollin' with the big guys. To get there, he needed to level up in physics and math.
 Fuelled by hype, Gou dove into the unseen stuff—the electromagnetic spectrum, gravitational waves, all the hidden goodies. He saw himself coding with nature's forces, crafting AI and algorithms, plotting patterns, and forging his path across the stars.
 In the world of computer science, Gou found new realms. Each programming language was like a secret handshake, unlocking doors to the unknown. He went deep into machine learning, prepping for his big challenge: Powernet.
 Every line of code was a step closer to legend status. The journey was long, but Gou was all in. Studying electrical engineering, he started vibing with the ether's electromagnetic field, feeling like there was some hidden link, some gift, some matrix thing.
 Dawn broke, and Gou was deep in thought. Powernet's essence was its ability to translate the universe's whispers. Gou saw a connection, a pattern in the numbers, and turned to his partner, Node.